Clean the World to be Featured on Univision News in Orlando and Tampa

On Monday, Feb. 8, and Tuesday, Feb. 9, Univision affiliates in Orlando and Tampa will air a two-part feature report on Clean the World during the 6 p.m. “Noticias Univision Florida Central” newscast. Viewers can watch the feature on either WVEN-Channel 26 in Orlando, or WVEA-Channel 62 in Tampa. Emmy-winning news anchor Samuel Rivera recently visited … Read more

U.S. Senators Help Clean The World In Bipartisan Hygiene Kit Build

On, Wednesday, Sept. 17, we proved there are no political boundaries when it comes to the battle against hygiene-related illnesses. Legislators from both sides of the aisle joined Clean the World in the U.S. Capitol to promote hand-washing and proper hygiene in advance of Global Handwashing Day on Oct. 15. To kick off the event … Read more

Garbage In, Energy Out

Did you happen to catch this Aug. 15 story at We did, and we hope you did, too. As part of our commitment to sustainability and socially responsible programs for the hospitality industry, Clean the World is ready to embark on a new venture. And it involves Mobile Waste Processors that will convert hotel … Read more