HAITI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF: The need is still so great…

The following it s a note received from William Lowry who is in Haiti coordinating our relief efforts: Brutus and I arrived back in Haiti on Sunday. Upon arrival, we were immediately approached by one of our local staff members, Wilbert, who had been at the airport receiving supplies and doctors during the morning. He … Read more

ALERT: Gilchrist & Soames Joins Clean The World In Haiti Relief Effort

Indianapolis-based luxury amenity supplier to send over 22,000 pounds of personal care products to stricken nation INDIANAPOLIS (January 26, 2010) – Gilchrist & Soames today announced that it is teaming up with Clean The World Foundation to facilitate the delivery of over 22,000 pounds of personal care products to victims of the devastating earthquake in … Read more

ALERT: Rob Phillips Coordinates Emergency Flight and Care for Baby Michaelson

Over the past week, Rob Phillips, Relationship Coordinator, has been coordinating all flights for Clean the World in partnership with Corporate Aviators Responding in Emergencies (CARE). He works very closely with the pilots, passengers and other CARE personnel to ensure doctors, first responders, medicine and hygiene products are being flown into Haiti. Additionally, he works … Read more

ALERT: Dr. Edward Fink Reports From Haiti

This is news from Dr. Edward Fink, one of the Orthopedic Surgeons flown in on Sunday thanks to help from CARE.   “It has been eight days since the devastation struck this impoverished island nation.  Eight days. And yet people are being delivered to our hospital in record numbers with untreated infected wounds, open fractures, … Read more

ALERT: Medical News from Cap Hatien

This is the latest news from our team in Haiti “We received five helicopter deliveries of 12 patients today.  We had four US coast guard airlifts, and one Navy airlift.  It’s definitely an increase from yesterday, but we can still handle many more.  It is an improvement, but the current effort is still inadequate; many … Read more

ALERT: William Lowry on the ground in Cap Hatien

This is the latest update, as of Monday January 18, from William Lowry who is in Cap Hatien.It is Monday morning in Haiti. I have been meeting with several leaders and pastors this morning. The stories are incredible. There is a massive exodus out of Port au Prince that has begun. It is clogging the … Read more

ALERT: Clean the World Flight Schedule Saturday & Sunday

Saturday January 16, 2010 8:30 p.m. Orlando Executive Airport (ORL) Flight arrives from Memphis, TN with soap donations from Marietta Corp for Clean the World hygiene inventory. Clean the World staff will be unloading the plane for transport to the Clean the World Recycling Plant in Orlando. Sunday January 17, 20108:00 a.m. Fort Lauderdale Executive … Read more

ALERT: Beginng today, CTW supplies delivering with Corporate Aviator Responding in Emergencies Partnership

Clean the World is working in partnership with Corporate Aviation Responding in Emergencies (Care). This incredible group organizes private jet owners that donate their planes to transport supplies to disaster relief areas. They formed during Hurricane Katrina and are coming to the forefront now as an extremely valuable asset to assist.  Spread the word of … Read more

Keep Haiti in your Thoughts and Prayers!!

Today in Haiti a terrible tragedy struck. Just ten miles from the most populous area near the city of Port au Prince a powerful earthquake struck. The government of Haiti is calling it a catastrophe and reaching out the world for help. As you know Clean the World has been working to continuously deliver soap … Read more

60 Countries Learn to CLEAN THE WORLD!

Happy Monday morning Clean the World Family! Do you realize that you are a part of a movement? A movement that is not only spreading throughout our beautiful country and the hospitality industry, but a movement that is global, spreading across our beautiful world! Millions of travelers just like you have asked what happens with … Read more

WHAT’S THE HURRY in 2010? By William Lowry

Several years ago, I came across a great little paperback book called “Getting Things Done” by Edwin C. Bliss. It was a terrific compilation of ways to approach effort and tasks that removed the clutter and compelled completion. I have kept a copy of the book in my possession ever since and will reread it … Read more

A great gift idea: The Triple Creek Ranch in Montana!

A Merry Christmas Eve to the entire Clean the World Family. And for those that celebrate Hannukkah, we hope you had a joyous Hannukah season this year too. Tonight my immediate family, visiting family and close friends will get together for a Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange. Although, we bring an interesting concept to … Read more

Christmas in Florida…

As a child, I moved around quite a bit. My father is a life-long retailer, which, from a moving perspective, is almost as bad as being a life-long military man. We moved up and down the state of Florida, north to Chicago, south to Texas, but always made our way back to Florida. There was … Read more

Changing History by William Lowry…

An impactful blog written by Clean the World Global Operations Director, William Lowry: It has not been too often in history that individuals or groups have changed history as a part of a plan. There have been some great leaders who have shaped the annals of history because they captured a moment of time or … Read more

Sheraton Sand Key Resort kicks off “Clearwater Beach Week”!!

Happy Monday morning to you all! We have an exciting week ahead. I am dubbing this week as “Clearwater Beach Week”. For those of you located around the country and world, and debating a wonderful Florida vacation spot this winter, look no further than the beautiful beaches of Florida’s West Coast which includes Clearwater Beach. … Read more

Clean the World Media Links… Spread the Word!

Special thanks to Alex Paen from Telco Productions. Alex and his team put together It’s a Green Christmas! It aired today in Orlando on WESH 2 NBC. The production is excellent! Great stories on individuals and companies that are taking eco-friendliness and “green” initiatives to heart with smart, environmentally friendly businesses and strategies. Please check … Read more

It’s a Green Christmas!

We are so pleased to let everybody know that a nationally syndicated television show focused on how to make the holidays more environmentally friendly will feature Clean the World. It’s a Green Christmas! Features “green” gift ideas, recycling tips, energy saving suggestions and much more. What a great idea. An entire production around great ways … Read more

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart…

I originally intended on taking today off the blog but as I sat in bed this morning thinking about all the things I have to be thankful for, this scene that has burned in my mind since I first witnessed it began to play. I knew that I had to share it with you today … Read more

Guest Blogger: www.m-cause.com

Here is my guest blog at http://www.m-cause.com/. Special thanks to Ryan Jones for giving us the opportunity to speak to his fans! Inspired to Change History: A motivational guest post from Shawn Seipler of Clean the WorldPosted on November 15, 2009 in Causes, Inspiration Clean the World co-founder Shawn Seipler has provided m-cause with a … Read more

Two Big Thank You’s and a CTW Needs List…

Time to make special mention of two companies that have helped support Clean the World with supplies and service donations. First to thank: RVI (Randall Vannoy Industries). RVI recently donated much needed items for the CTW recycling center in Orlando, FL. We recently received a dolly, tape, and tape guns. Randall continues to be on … Read more

Magic Makers !

So there we are… Paul and I standing directly behind the Phoenix Suns bench at last night’s Orlando Magic – Phoenix Suns game at Amway Arena in Orlando. The whistle blows for the second timeout of the first quarter and we begin to be escorted to center court. There we stand, with Bo Outlaw, a … Read more

Thank you for the tremendous response!

Thank you so much for the incredible response following the CBS Evening news story presented by Katie Couric. If you haven’t seen it yet, please visit this link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/12/eveningnews/main5380413.shtml?tag=cbsnewsTwoColUpperPromoArea We would like to extend a very special thanks to the two CBS reporters that covered and traveled with Clean the World, Seth and Jack. We are … Read more

Heading for the dock of the bay

Pop in the Willie Nelson CD, because we are on the road again today! This time we’re prepping for our Sept. 8-10 soap distribution in Cap Haitien, Haiti. We have 200,000 bars of soap packed into a 26-foot truck donated for the day by our buddies at Penske Truck Rental, and we are pointing the … Read more

Clean the World in the Big Apple!

Our news story that ran locally in Orlando is being run in New York tonight, August 7 on FOX 5. This is big exposure for our cause. If you are in New York, look for it on the 5pm news! http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ctwf

FedEx helps CTW get off the ground

Transporting soap is pretty easy. Right? After all – it’s light, compact and easy to pack. Well, I guess that’s true if we wanted to carry a hundred bars to a different part of the world. I could fit that much in a carry-on. Each bar weighs around 4 ounces, so that would be about … Read more

Miss Teen Earth and CTW: A match made in heaven

Obviously we are passionate about saving lives with soap. But we get even more stoked when we can share our story with others and see them develop the same enthusiasm. And that’s how it played out after we met Jolie Schamber back in May when she and her family stepped into our booth at Orlando’s … Read more

Now THAT is a lot of soap

Do you have any idea how much space would be taken up by 5 million bars of soap? How many trucks would be needed to move it? How much warehouse space it would occupy? Neither did I — until I started doing the math on the number of boxes that would be involved, the size … Read more

Central Care Mission getting the job done

Our list of contributing hotel and resort partners continues to grow every day. Once we collect soap from the hotels, the next step is to turn around the product and get it into (and onto) the hands of the people who need it. So after defining the protocol of our sterilization, recycling and packaging process, … Read more

400 Pounds of Shampoo Donated to Homeless Students in Central Florida

Today CTWF gave approximately 400 pounds of donated shampoo to the Central Florida Hospitality and Lodging Association’s (CFHLA) drive to provide homeless students in Central Florida with every day supplies. Items being collected included essentials such as soap, deodorant, combs, shaving cream, toothpaste and band-aids. According to CFHLA Cares, the charitable arm of CFHLA, there … Read more

Recycling breakthrough produces smoother bar soap

A recycling breakthrough this week allowed the CTWF operations team to produce a smoother bar of recycled soap, similar to bars found at local grocery and drug stores. These more favorable looking bars will allow CTWF to explore donation opportunities within retail channels both domestically and abroad. Here are some tips to consider when rebatching … Read more

1,000 pounds of soap donated by Orlando hotels

Clean the World Foundation has now collected over 1,000 pounds of donated soap and shampoo from Orlando area hotels. Our hotel partners include Fairfield Inn by Marriott, Hampton Inn, Hilton Garden Inn, Holiday Inn Select, La Quinta Inn & Suites, Marriott Hotel and Residence Inn by Marriott. We’d like to thank these partners for their … Read more