60 Countries Learn to CLEAN THE WORLD!

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Happy Monday morning Clean the World Family!

Do you realize that you are a part of a movement? A movement that is not only spreading throughout our beautiful country and the hospitality industry, but a movement that is global, spreading across our beautiful world!

Millions of travelers just like you have asked what happens with the soap and shampoo from their hotel room after they use it. Clean the World is a very clear answer to that question. A charity, an organization, and now a global family that focuses on collecting those partially used items, recycling them and then distributing them to those that desperately need the items all across the globe.

We are contacted daily by hotels all across the United States AND the globe. Request to join have come in from hotels in Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Aruba, Dominican Republic, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, China and Japan. We are working on an international solution as we envision Clean the World’s program expanding beyond the United States and all across the globe in 2010 and beyond. If we can collect 1 million bars of soap daily from the US, how much do you believe we can collect across the globe? How many lives do you believe we can touch?

Further proof is our web-site. http://localhost:8888/cleantheworld/ has been visited by individuals from 60 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Isn’t that incredible! From the US, Canada, and UK to United Arab Emirates, Uganda, Hong Kong and Switzerland. From Russia to Jordan… From Cyprus to Macedonia… CleantheWorld.org has been visited by thousands of people across the globe! (this year, we plan on turning the thousands into millions!)

More interesting facts: on average, visitors from those 60 countries to CleantheWorld.org view more than 5 pages on our site and stay for almost 3 minutes, which in considered high in the web site viewing world. Some really incredible statistics: friends from Singapore visit an average of 22 pages and those from South Korea visited an average of almost 9 pages. Movement promoters from Denmark stay on the site for more than 18 minutes on average, family members, from Croatia stay an average on 10 minutes!

Our movement is global. Our family is global. In the upcoming days and weeks, we will introduce new ways for you to help spread the word to those that need to hear us. We need hotels to continue to join the program. And we need you to thank those that have for their commitment to Saving Lives and Saving our Planet.

Thank you to those in the US for making Clean the World an overnight phenomenon. And thank you to our Global friends and followers for taking our cause, and now your cause, to your friends, family and people.

Together, all of us will CLEAN THE WORLD!


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