Celebrating Orlando United Day – A Day of Love and Kindness

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Monday, June 12th, 2017 marked one year since 49 innocent lives were lost during the Pulse Nightclub tragedy in Orlando. Within that year, so much happened here in the community of Orlando and all throughout the world. People chose love over hate and united with their neighbors rather than let fear overcome their lives. This day, which marks a horrific event in history, evolved into Orlando United Day – A Day of Love and Kindness. Not just on this day, but each and every day, we’re encouraged to compliment a stranger, spend time getting to know someone better, volunteer at a local organization, or take part in any action that sparks a wave of love and kindness in our communities.

Clean the World celebrated Orlando United Day with a hygiene kit build at our recycling center. Over 75 volunteers made it out on a rainy Monday evening to assemble 4,900 hygiene kits for local organizations benefitting Orlando’s LGBTQ community. Our volunteer center was filled with people of all ages and backgrounds with the common goal of working together to better our community. We danced to music as we packed the soap bars, bottled amenities, and inspirational notes into the hygiene kit bags. We were inspired by the words from representatives of the recipient charities that came to participate in the kit build as they shared with our volunteer group all the wonderful work their organizations do here in Orlando, and more specifically how every one of these hygiene kits would be going directly to individuals in need of a helping hand—or a little love and kindness.

Thank you to everyone who financially supported Clean the World’s Orlando United Day Hygiene Kit Build, those who took time out of their day to assemble kits with us, and those who shared our posts on social media to help spread awareness—this event was made possible because of your support! Whether you’re in Orlando or on the opposite side of the world, be sure to spread positivity in your community and reach out to those in need. We’re all #OrlandoUnited.

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