Sushi? Nope, it’s soap!! |
We’ve been fortunate at Clean the World to receive quite a bit of positive media attention for our soap recycling and distribution efforts. You’ve seen us featured on Fox News Channel, CNN, CBS Evening News and many local TV broadcasts. And you may have read about us in USA Today, many local newspapers and magazines – and this blog.
But this week we went global in a big way.
TV Tokyo broadcast a special report on Clean the World during its Aug. 31 evening broadcast that originates from New York. It will be rebroadcast Sept. 5 in the United States and twice in Japan during the next week. That’s wide-ranging exposure for Clean the World that should help improve our outreach among Asian nations and hotel partners. And we’re very excited to receive feedback from potential partners and eager soap recycling supporters all over the world.
We were honored with a two-day visit in early August by TV Tokyo producer Mariko Daicho and her crew, who spent considerable time at our Orlando headquarters and with some of our Orlando hotel partners. The crew filmed our soap recycling operation – from delivery to initial scraping; steam-cleaning to sanitization; repackaging and delivery. Quite a process to capture in a single news story, but it’s something we are proud to do every day for people in need.
The TV Tokyo story examines Clean the World’s success in helping recycle soap for impoverished children and families, but it does so from a business perspective:
– Why should corporations join with Clean the World to help expand our mission?
– How can hotel partners work with Clean the World to improve the environment, eliminate landfill waste and help repurpose hotel soaps for communities who may never visit their hotels?
– How do you leverage a business imperative for social good?
We hope you’ll all be watching. And even though the story is in Japanese, I’m sure the positive message will translate to all who see it and cheer for a cleaner, healthier world.
Many thanks to our friends at the Peabody Orlando hotel for helping provide professional courtesy and an interview space for several segments. And special thanks to Marshall Kelberman, director of rooms administration at Peabody Orlando, for being so gracious and accommodating during the TV Tokyo visit.
Once the story airs in Japan, we’ll share the link with you. We’ll hope to translate all the good parts and share them with you in a future blog post. Stay tuned…
Thanks for helping us Clean the World,
Shawn Seipler
Executive Director
Clean the World