Global Health Events Elevate Clean the World Foundation in WASH Sector

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Delegates attend the 69th World Health Assembly at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva.

In May, Clean the World Foundation was delighted to participate in two important events in the global health community.

First, we attended the WASH Futures conference in Brisbane, Australia, with some of the most innovative organizations and leaders in the WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) sector. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about pressing issues and needs around the world, tools and tactics being used to make a difference, and successes various groups are having in their respective fields.

Clean the World Foundation shared critical updates from our work in the hygiene space, particularly our new approach on outcome-based programs such as our Soap in Schools Program in Kenya.

The conference also provided a great opportunity to identify new and innovative ways to partner with other WASH organizations. Look for new endeavors to launch soon, including projects that include nutrition and maternal health in developing communities around the world.

Following on the success of the WASH Futures conference, we attended the World Health Assembly, the annual gathering of global health leaders at the World Health Organization in Switzerland. This weeklong conference tracks progress toward the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), identifies emerging issues the global health community needs to address, and highlights programs and partnerships that are making a measurable difference for some of the world’s most pressing health concerns.

We were excited to network with other leading global health organizations, working to identify new potential partnership and program opportunities globally while also sharing success stories from our work in the hygiene field.

These events are important for us, not only to learn best practices in the field and identify potential new programs and partnerships, but also to raise awareness of the impactful work Clean the World Foundation does around the world. Our goal is to continue developing our position as a global leader in the hygiene sector. Awareness and recognition at world-class gatherings such as these are big steps in the right direction.

We’ll keep you posted on other events we attend in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, thanks so much for your support of our impactful work here at home and around the world.

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