“Hunt Military Communities’ (HMC) employees joined forces to help support their local communities by participating in Hunt’s annual Helping Hands Day. In all, more than 35 organizations, located throughout the United States, were supported by hundreds of HMC employees who closed down their offices for the day to volunteer their time and energy in support of local organizations.
“Helping Hands Day is an important day within HMC,” stated John Ehle, President of HMC. “We encourage all of our employees to participate and give back to their local communities. We find that our employees come back feeling invigorated and enriched by this experience and feeling a sense of purpose. It’s a day many look forward to each year.”
Hunt’s Helping Hands Day is about utilizing employees’ time, energy, and skills for an experience that helps to create a strong team spirit, while at the same time helping to support critical community organizations. This year, some of the organizations that benefitted from Helping Hands Day included: Food Banks, Rescue Missions, Veteran’s organizations, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Pet Shelters, and Habitat for Humanity.” …