LONZA you really made our day!

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Excited. Grateful. Inspired. That is how you made us feel.

From April 24, 2017, to April 30, 2017, Clean the World embarked on the adventure of raising money for our Soap in Schools program in India and the reception was outstanding! The goal of our campaign was to raise $2,500 dollars to bring hygiene education and soap to more than 5,000 students in 12 schools in Kolkata, India.

In Kolkata, more than 1.5 million people live in slums with little to no access to adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene. Poor hygiene conditions result in hygiene related diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia which are the top killers of children globally. Clean the World Foundation is committed to its mission and wants to eradicate these horrible diseases. Improving health requires not only access to soap and hygiene education, but also a holistic approach that integrates soap into a healthy water, sanitation, and a hygiene program.

For Clean the World, our followers were our most important asset. We received an overwhelming amount of love and support throughout the campaign, and for this, we are truly thankful. In just one week, we were able to spread awareness about our global health program and raise $3,000 to aid in launching Clean the World Foundation’s nine-month long Soap in Schools India program later this summer.

The first couple of days of the campaign were very exciting. Little did we know, that on the last day we would receive a kind donation that would help us surpass our initial goal by $500. In addition to the generous donations from our amazing supporters, our valued partner Lonza contributed $2,000 to our campaign. Ernesto Lippert, Global Vice President of Marketing and Technology at Lonza, stated that the company is always looking for a channel that supports social efforts to improve the lives of less fortunate communities. Indeed, their generous donation will go a long way to helping us reduce hygiene related diseases and school absences in Kolkata, India.

“When we saw that through a relatively small contribution Lonza could make such a big impact in schools in India, it was clear that we could not only help achieve Clean the World’s goal but also help many children by doing something so close to Lonza’s heart,” said Ernesto Lippert. Lonza has proven that they are driven to make the world a healthier place one person at a time, and for this we thank you!

Clean the World Foundation is very grateful for all the people that we call our friends and supporters. We want to thank everyone that took the time to go through our website, watch our video, share our cause, and participate. Every donation counts and every dollar will go to bringing health and hygiene to children and their families. Your support is making a difference in the lives of the students we serve. More than 5,000 children will be sick less often allowing them to spend more time in the classroom creating a brighter future, thanks to you!


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