Major Hotels Make Move To Bulk-Size Toiletries | Shift Expected To Reduce Waste By Eliminating Up To 500 Million Mini-Bottles Yearly

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“In 2018, Marriott — whose brands include Ritz-Carlton, W and Sheraton among others — tested bulk amenities in 1,000 hotels to positive feedback from guests. Adding all properties will bring a significantly larger environmental impact, said Naguib, leading to a 30% reduction in plastic use. Most of the brands are working to shift their amenities to bulk size using dispensers in wall-mounted shelves or brackets, all of which will be tamper-proof.

Other hotel brands are reducing toiletry waste in different ways.

Hilton sends partially used bars of soap from its brands — which include Canopy, Hampton and Doubletree — to Clean the World, an organization that recycles the soap and sends it to children and families in countries with high death rates from hygiene related illnesses.

While the big hotel chains have grabbed the headlines, many boutique hotels were the early adopters of the trend.” …

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