Soap in Schools Program Launches in Las Vegas, NV

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Clean the World is thrilled to announce the launch of our Soap in Schools program in Las Vegas thanks to our sponsor Sands Cares. Our Soap in Schools program began in January of 2016 and currently runs domestically in Orlando, Florida and internationally in Kenya and Tanzania. In the coming months of 2017, Soap in Schools will launch in India and Haiti, too. We will be teaching handwashing education to hundreds of students each month across a network of eight locations throughout the greater Las Vegas area.

At Soap in Schools, we share our mission of recycling soap and saving lives and teach families and children the importance of handwashing. During the program, we also distribute our hygiene kits to the families in need, and play and interactive games with the children to keep them engaged and interested in learning about their germs and how to maintain better hygiene! Some of the activities our Orlando program include are: a black light activity where students can spot the germs on their hands “The Germ Detector,” a handwashing station where they learn a jingle and sing along while they scrub their germs away, and a fun trivia game.

During the Soap in Schools program, watching the children’s faces light up and get involved with us is truly amazing. We always hope to leave a positive, lasting impact on their lives and can’t wait to bring this program to Las Vegas.  Clean the World is humbled to have the opportunity to teach students and families the importance of hygiene and hand washing. We are excited to grow our program as it’s making a life changing impact in all areas of the world.

So watch out Las Vegas—some more happy, healthy children are going to be a part of our global hygiene revolution!





Written by Gabrielle Lintz, an intern in the Clean the World marketing department.

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