Orlando United Day

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A Day of Love and Kindness

Almost a year has passed since that night that has forever changed and shaped the Orlando community. On June 12, 2016, 49 lives were taken during the Pulse nightclub tragedy and the community of Orlando answered to this act of hate and violence with love and togetherness. We showed the world that we are a loving community that disapproves of and rejects violence. A community that has grown, prevailed together, and thus come out stronger.

The City of Orlando and Orange County, in collaboration with Pulse, have designated June 12, 2017, as “Orlando United Day – A Day of Love and Kindness.” This will be a day-long schedule of remembrances to honor the 49 victims and their families. Some of the events include prayer ceremonies with different speakers, special live performances at Lake Eola, and midnight ceremonies at Pulse.

Clean the World will honor this date by hosting a hygiene kit build at its Landstreet recycling center. Volunteers are joining us from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm to build 4,900 hygiene kits in representation of the 49 victims. The hygiene kits will be donated to different charities across Orlando in support of the LBGTQ community. Let’s all honor and cherish the memory of those who lost their lives. Together we can continue the unity that followed the tragedy because we are #OrlandoUnited.

Visit https://oneorlandoalliance.org to know more about “A Day of Love and Kindness” and all the events that you can be part of on this day. It is a day to spread the love. So, pick an event, give back to the community, and share love and kindness.


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